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We are a conservative evangelical church where everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord.  At Red Lion Faith Chapel, we strive to bring the hearts of people back to the heart of God for the glory of God.


We would love it if you would join us.


Pastor Zach Buchanan

As a congregation, we are working towards transforming Southampton by reaching One Life at a time.

Reaching Outward – Valuing people at all stages of life and circumstance
Reaching Inward – Serving people by utilizing our God given gifts and talents In ministry
Reaching Downward – Grounding the hearts of people in the Gospel and Grace of God!
Reaching Upward – Living all of life to the Glory of God!

Worship – The transformed heart’s response to the Triune God

Discipleship – The transformed heart’s response to the Great Commission

Stewardship – The transformed heart’s response to the Grace of God

Fellowship – The transformed heart’s response to the Body of Christ

Leadership – The transformed heart’s response to the Local Church


We believe the Bible is the verbally i
nspired, infallible Word of God. The 66 books, beginning with Genesis and concluding with Revelation, were given to man through the superintending work of the Holy Spirit who came upon men to produce His written Word. (II Timothy 3:16/ II Peter 1:21)


We believe in one God eternally existing as three persons known to us as revealed in Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; that He is the creator and sustainer of the universe; that He is solely responsible for the salvation of men.
(Deut. 6:4 / Gen. 1:1 / Titus 2:11)

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, the second member of the trinity, equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit in every way. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was buried and rose on the third day. His death was to provide salvation for all who would receive Him. He ascended to heaven and will return in the future for His church.
(John 1:1, 14 / Luke 1:26-33 / I Cor. 15:3,4)


We believe the Holy Spirit to be the third member of the trinity equal with the Father and the Son in every way. Although He is a spirit, He is a person who works in the lives of men, convicting, regenerating, indwelling and filling them with power for service.
(Acts 5:3,4 / John 3:5-8 / I Cor. 6:19,20 / Acts 1:8 / II Tim. 1:7)


We believe man was created in the image of God and was placed in the Garden of Eden where he had perfect fellowship with God until he sinned and fell under the sentence of spiritual death. He can be delivered from the penalty of his sin by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. All who do not turn to Christ for salvation will be eternally condemned to hell without any hope of rescue or forgiveness.
(Gen. 1:26,27 / Gen. 3:1-15 / John 3:1-36)


We believe that sin originated in the heart of Satan (Lucifer.) We believe that sin entered the human race when Satan, disguised as a serpent, tempted Eve, who enticed Adam to sin. We further believe that because of Adam’s sin every member of the human race in every generation was declared sinful by God, but that every individual is responsible for his own sinful acts. This sinful condition, unless remedied, will separate man from God for eternity. The remedy for the unbeliever is personal trust in the shed blood of Christ. Sin by practical definition is any thought, word or deed that displeased God or violates His law, as well as the failure to think, say, or do that which pleases God.
(Gen. 3:6,7 /Matt. 15:19 / Gen. 2:17/ Romans 5:12,13 / Hebrews 10:26)


We believe that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. We further believe that when a person places his/her faith in Christ, he is born into the family of God and is eternally secure.
(John 3:16; 14:6 / Ephes. 2:8,9 / Acts 4:12: 6:31)


We believe the church, which is the Body of Christ, began with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost; that each one who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior becomes a member of the Body of Christ and is indwelled by the Holy Spirit. We further believe that it is the desire of God to work through local assemblies of believers, called the local church. We believe that the offices of the church are pastors and deacons and the ordinances are baptism and the Lord’s supper.
(Acts 2:1-4; 2:33,47/ John 7:39/ I Cor. 12:13)


We believe Christ may return at any moment to rapture the church, and that the Tribulation period of seven years will follow. During this period of time God will pour out His wrath upon the earth, while the church is experiencing the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. At the close of this period, Christ and the saints will come again to the earth to establish His Righteous Kingdom for a thousand years, having saved Israel and bound Satan. At the close of the millennium, Satan shall be loosed and the last rebellion put down. This will lead to the judgment of the wicked, being cast, with Satan and the demons in the Lake of Fire.
(John 14:3/ Acts 1:7-11/ I Thess. 1:10; 4:14-18/ Titus 2:13/ II Thess. 2:7/ Daniel 9:27/ Jude 14/ Rev. 20:4-6, 15)

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